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Herbal Walks

Discover edible, medicinal and useful plants close to you. Take a closer look and see how nature is everywhere.

Weeds... Everywhere... Have you ever considered the vast amount of edible goods right outside your doorstep? They grow abundantly and are packed full of nutrients! Small herbs, flowers, perennials, nuts, berries and seeds. Let me take you on a field trip out in the wild so you can start your own herbal foraging journey too.


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"  Nature teaches abundance and wonder. All you need is to open your heart and see! "

This walk is for you

You know with your brain that there are many useful and edible plants, but how to recognize them?

You would like to start your foraging journey of wild edible plants, but you don't know how and you feel insecure on doing it yourself without guidance.

You're interested in what nature has to offer and you would like to be inspired.

You're curious about the abundance of the nature around you.


After the Herbal Walk

You will have knowledge of a clear and concise set of edible plants that grow at this moment.

You will know the taste and smell of these plants, as well as some distinctions in appearance so you yourself will be able to recognize it afterward.

You're familiar with the 'rules of the game' of foraging wild edible plants, so you feel more safe and confident to go out on your own.

You will have some inspiration on what to do with your 'harvest' after you went on a foraging trip.

You know how to connected to nature through your heart and intuition, which makes you feel more connected to nature in general.

How does it work?

In Short

I will take you on a magical nature experience walk. Listen to the whispers of the trees and plants. After a walk in the forest, you often feel so calm and relaxed. You literally recharge. Have you ever thought about this? Let yourself be guided during this walk in the connection with nature and what nature has to tell us.

        We will start together with a brief introduction while enjoying some refreshments. During the walk, I will guide you through the edible, medicinal, and energetic properties of the plants in this lovely natural area on the outskirts of the city of Utrecht. We will do a relaxing exercise to ground yourself and open up all your senses. After that, there will be time for you to explore on your own and see where your attention is drawn. We will end together with a wild treat and tea in a circle to briefly share what this experience meant to us.

The Options for Foraging Walks

HERBAL WALK & NATURE EXPERIENCE WITH A TEA & SNACKS- @PAPENDORP During this walk we will pass City Gardens Groenewoud in Papendorp, Utrecht. This is an amazing food forest like garden park, that we as visitors can access whenever we would like. They work with nature in maintaining the gardens and the park, which makes for great diversity in plant and animal life. In the area around it, I've found there is so much to discover too. We will have lots to discuss and learn here. Since it's a calming and beautiful place, we will find it is a great place to start deepening our connection to nature with our grounding and centering excercises.

HERBAL WALK & NATURE EXPERIENCE WITH A TEA & SNACKS @WONDER WOODS This walk includes a more in depth experience with nature and the plants we foraged. This place is an amazing magical place that is in development with a food forest and flower plucking zone. I will guide you through a conscious experience with the plant you harvested in order to attain the message this plant has for you and in what way it can support you in the place in life you are in at the moment. It's a very enriching and connecting experience that will open your eyes to nature and new possibilities.

Find the Answers to your Questions

Why I do not prefer taking you into the forest? The forest is a beautiful, calming and relaxing area that is definitely suited for a foraging walk. Less polution, enormous spaceousness. And also a lot of trees! They cover the ground with shadow and a lot of small edible herb-like plants do not grow there or they have a lot of struggle to grow. In addition, we humans walk and bike around a lot. We walk past and over flowering and seeding plants. Therefore, we take with us the seeds they've produced. As do the birds. We enrich the places in doing so with these seeds, and therefore the widest diversity in plants I've found are near the pavement. The last reason is that many of us do not live next to the forest. I feel it is very enlightening to see the edible and medicinal plants right outside your doorstep. Recognizing them in an urban place during an organized walk, will more likely help you recognize them near your house too! It has the most challenges since we have to consider pollution, but this makes us even better foragers!

Practical Matters You will get your refund, if I cancel the walk. I will accept a maximum of 8 attendees, so all individuals will be able to get the information during the walk without any fuss. In this way there is enough room for questions and personal interaction. The walk will take place in diverse weather conditions. This means you might want to dress for the walk. In Papendorp we walk over the pavement, which makes it easy to walk. We will cancel the walks when: - With heavy wind (my voice won't reach you) - Heavy Rain (there's a difference between drips and floods) - Snow (when the ground is covered, we will not be able to see or harvest). - Frost (it's nice to point at frozen plants, but we will not be using the poor little fellows since they're suffering enough).

What are the Prices? Foraging Walk - Papendorp | Including a Wild Tea and Snacks | €30,- incl. taxes Foraging Walk - Wonder Woods | Including a Wild Tea and Snacks | €33,- incl. taxes


Have you Decided yet?


If you have any questions left, please do not hesitate to ask. Simply send me an email and I'll get back to you soon.

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