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Rosanna looking into the camera

About me

Hi, my name is Rosanna Denis (1991) and I’m fascinated about the purpose and magical nature of human, animal and plant life. I was born a multipotential, highly sensitive person with a strong inner knowing that did not quite fit this world. After years of curiously and excitedly chasing intellectual knowledge in all kinds of directions - I enjoyed a bachelors degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences with a major in Molecular Biology, and a masters degree in Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences at the University of Utrecht - I felt the empirical approach would better suit my deep life questions. This led me into the teachings of yoga philosophy, my own yoga asana practice, taking my intuitive knowledge and growth seriously, a wonderful intuition education -with a degree in energy readings- and following my own life's path. I am energetically and spiritually drawn to nature and start more and more to embody the beautiful knowledge, wisdom and tools that nature wants to share with the world.

My life is an ongoing exploration, and I’m currently exploring:

  • finding my true nature and living my purpose in life

  • living intuitively and trusting the flow of life

  • how to connect with nature easily on a daily basis in a modern and grounded way

  • personal growth and introspection

  • exploring ways of facilitating new nature and abundance in food foresting combined with permaculture


I welcome you to join me in my quest! You can follow me on this website, my podcast or social media.

Let me provide you with insights into your own spiritual journey with a reading or a healing, Munay-Ki or Reiki. Connect to yourself and nature through Foraging Walks or a Silent Retreat.


If you feel you want to reach out, definitely do so! I love to connect.


The world I see before me is beautiful, welcoming, heart warming – it sounds magical. I hear the call of nature that I call "new nature". It wants to show us the way, to connect with us on a deeper, meaningful level. The call is louder than ever before during this time of disconnectedness. This vision of a deeply connected world consists of cities, villages and communities that are intertwined with forests and nature. We can reach it by exploring all the magic life has to offer now, which is only possible if we can be fully present with ourselves, with all we are and with all of life, like it or not. Extremely simple, yet very challenging in our fast paced and digital lives, full of distractions and invites to judge everything and everyone.
               Reaching this thriving world will take some quick education in life lessons for many of us,
finding, understanding and expressing our true selves and allowing space for others to do the same. Like every plant in a forest, we all have our purpose in life and the harmony and abundant flow of life can be found if we all cherish and live our purpose to its full potential. You can start now by listening to the voice deep within, even if it seems to not make any sense to your critical head.


Well, what does it say?

Image captured from under a tree, Rosanna standing near and overlooking a field of grass and a city


I am here to help create a beautiful world based on deep connections of people and nature in higher levels of consciousness. Of course, only to the extend that I can reach myself. On the one part, I do this by exploring my true nature, on the way to accepting my full self as I am, so I can BE and step into my true power. The other part is creating a welcoming space with “new nature” and a food forest, to provide people with a true nature experience. I invite you on my journey, to hopefully inspire you to find your own inner light, embrace your full potential and live your true nature so you too can be of service to others.

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